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Books you MUST read!

The Web That Has No Weaver This is a beginning Chinese Medicine text. Written by Ted Kaptchuck, one of the pioneers of acupuncture in America, this book gives excellent descriptions of the acupuncture meridians and beginning Chinese Medicine theory. It is written for the beginning student or interested lay-person and is relatively easy to understand.

Between Heaven and Earth This is an excellent book about Chinese medicine, written mostly for the lay-person wanting to understand more about what his or her acupuncturist is doing. The text is descriptive and informative, without being overwhelming.

Your Inner Physician and You This book is written by John Upledger and describes his early experiences with Craniosacral Therapy. It is a quick read, and gives an inspiring look at our power to heal ourselves

Adrenal Fatigue, the 21st Century Stress Syndrome This book by James L. Wilson, ND provides a well written, easy to understand description of adrenal fatigue. Dr. Wilson goes on to provide a plethora of lifestyle and nutrition suggestions for people who have adrenal fatigue.

Healing With Whole Foods This is one of the “authorities” on the subject of nutrition in a context of Chinese Medicine theory.  The book has discussion of theory, dietary recommendations, and recipes.

Staying Healthy With Nutrition An excellent reference for all you wanted to know about vitamins, minerals, and general nutrition but were afraid to ask. The author is decidedly biased towards a vegetarian diet, and some of the recommendations do not agree with my own philosophy, but the information about appropriate daily intake for a host of vitamins and minerals as well as signs of deficiency and toxicity make it worth owning.

Bodymind This book was written in the 1970s when naked focus groups were the new age rage. Based on his observations of hundreds of naked people doing intense emotional work, Ken Dychtwald writes a fascinating discussion of how emotional stress becomes locked into the body and effects our posture and eventually our entire physical well-being. It is THE book which started me down the path of studying the interactions between mind and body, read in an afternoon while lounging on a beach on Cape Cod back in about 1990. I actually hunted down the author to see if there was some way to study with him, only to be reminded by his bemused secretary that the book was 20 years old and he was no longer leading naked focus groups!

Light on Yoga The Bible of Modern Yoga BKS Iyengar has written detailed descriptions of how to do approximately 200 yoga poses, complete with discussion about the health benefits of each pose. The book was written in the 1970s and all the pictures are of him doing the poses. Discussion is based on years of teaching and observing thousands of students. The writing is dry, the material is dense, and there are little pearls of wisdom and understanding on every page. This is not a book you will read in a night and move on, rather one you will read a paragraph at a time and re-read for a lifetime. If you are fascinated by yoga, this is the one book on the subject which should be on your shelf!

Mangoes & Curry Leaves: Culinary Travels Through the Great Subcontinent Lisa’s newest favorite cookbook! This book is an anthology of regional Indian cooking written by a couple who have traveled extensively and collected recipes as they went. These authors write for relatively experienced cooks, and not all of the ingredients for all recipes will be locally accessible if you live in a small city or rural area. The stories about the recipes are as enjoyable as the recipes themselves, and the book is inspiring if you are excited about learning about Indian cooking beyond the tandoor.

Mediterranean Grains and Greens Lisa's next favorite cookbook! Paula Wolfert is part of the slow foods movement, so most of her cookbooks are filled with recipes which take a day or more to prepare. This book has a wide variety of recipes from around the Mediterranean region, many of which can be prepared in an hour or two. If you were ever wondering what to do with the three pounds of turnips or large bag of bulgar in your pantry, this book will give you new ideas to tantalize your taste buds.

A Spoonful of Ginger : Irresistible Health-Giving Recipes from Asian Kitchens by Nina Simonds is an excellent cookbook and reference for exploring the health benefits of food. This book goes beyond conventional western thinking about fats, carbohydrates, protein, etc. and into the realm of Chinese folk medicine and family recipes for a variety of conditions.

The Omnivore's Dilemma Michael Pollan's discussion about the origin of 4 meals is at the same time fascinating and disturbing to read. If you are at all concerned about the food supply in America and how the way foods are processed effects the planet, this is a book worth reading.

Other Links

This section is broken up into categories, and links are presented in alphabetical order to make it easier to find stuff :)

Acupuncture is the national professional association for acupuncturists. If you are interested in licensing and education requirements or legal issues relating to acupuncture in places other than (and including) California, this is a site worth checking out. is the website for the California Acupuncture Board. This is the licensing body for acupuncturists in the State of California. The entire Business and Professions code relating to the scope of practice of acupuncture, all of the laws and regulations regarding acupuncture practice, and information about licensing requirements are on this site. This is were to verify if your acupuncturist really has a license in California (yes, you WILL find Lisa Nicholson, L.Ac. on this site!!!) has tons of information for the practitioner and patient - everything you want to know about Oriental Medicine which is not already on this site! is the National certification organization for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. If you are looking for a practitioner and live outside of San Diego, this site is a great resource.

Food is a Community Sustained Agriculture program in the San Diego area. Lisa has been a member for several years, and LOVES the assortment of locally grown organic produce that shows up in her bi-weekly box. is one of the BEST resources for finding gluten-free foods. It is also one of the best resources for finding gluten hidden in foods where you wouldn't necessarily expect it to be. The site even contains customer reviews of gluten-free products, so you can get an idea of which products actually taste good!

homegrown meats Finally - a source for locally grown, grass fed and finished beef in Southern California! New in town, and growing, their ranch is even in San Diego County. They hope to have locally raised lamb, goat, chickens, and eggs in the near future. is a source of grass-fed beef and lamb. This farm does everything right, and they will ship their meat. The downside is that they are quite expensive. If you can find their meats locally, you will pay less than ordering direct.

Medical is a site full of information about a variety of medical topics. Most of the site is written for people with minimal medical knowlegde, so it is easy to understand.

Miscellaneous introduces you to EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) psychotherapy - proven effective and efficient by more research on PTSD than for any other psychotherapy.  EMDR helps in overcoming "stuck" emotions, negative self-talk, and behaviors. It's also been researched for performance enhancing for facing a high stakes challenge.   This website conveniently lists qualified EMDR therapists in San Diego County. is where I buy my printer cartridges. Not related to acupuncture, but a great resource nonetheless.

Yoga if you are looking for Iyengar Yoga in San Diego, this is a great resource. The studio is located about 2 blocks from Eastern Body Therapy. Check their schedule and ours - Lisa Nicholson, L.Ac. is sometimes a guest lecturer at this studio, and is often found in the noon class on Mondays! another great Iyengar Yoga teacher, with classes in several studios around San Diego. Also a good resource for excellent quality, locally hand-made yoga props.