We’ve settled into a nice routine, here at Eastern Body Therapy. You’ve probably seen Veronica around the office by now, especially if you are here later in the day. Her fiancé, Carlos, has also been around more. He’s working hard to finish his education, and hopes to have completed his personal trainer certificate by the spring. He has started to meet clients in the office, and takes them to the park across the street for workouts. Look for more of this as he gets closer to the end of his schooling.
As all of us have gotten busier, the area around the front desk has become crazier. We know the chaos can take you out of the zen of a great treatment, and we’re working on fixing it. You may have noticed desks appearing in our back room, and this is because we are trying to create a place for the three of us to return calls and do paperwork without having to be at the front desk. We're making way for some front office help which will (hopefully!!) be coming soon.
We're really planning our open house, with a tentative date of January 28 or 29, 2012. We've been meeting weekly to plan for a fun event with demonstrations of all our services, food, give-aways, and more. Watch for more details once the plans firm up and the date is finalized.
We still have one treatment room available. If you know anyone in the massage, skin care, therapy, coaching, chiropractic, or other compatible business who is looking for a fun place to work please send them my way.
On a personal note, Lisa (that’s me!) finally bought a new bike in August. I’ve already put over 1000 miles on it and am completely in love with the machine. The new bike and I got to travel to Utah for the Moab Century in September, and then play on the Tour de Poway in October. I’ve now ridden a total of 10 centuries in 2011. For the moment, training is about maintaining fitness and becoming a stronger hill climber. This is setting the stage for my plans to complete the California Triple Crown this spring. The Triple Crown is awarded to crazy people who successfully finish three double centuries (yes, that is 200 miles in a day) in the Triple Crown series, in a single calendar year. In preparation, I’ll be tackling longer and longer weekend rides starting in February, so watch for trip reports in upcoming newsletters.
Other travel this fall included a family wedding in Milwaukee where I got to catch up with cousins I haven’t seen in years, spend time with my parents, and check out some local Wisconsin breweries. I’m looking forward to a quiet holiday season with my husband this year, and hopefully a vacation with him sometime soon!